10 Best Places to Buy Fake Designer Bags from China in 2024

Having a designer bag is the demand of every consumer around the globe because it reflects luxury and style. However, not everyone is able to buy original designer bags as they are more expensive than normal bags due to brand reputation, craftsmanship, and exclusivity.
With advancements in technology, replicas are trending in 2024 that look so original that an untrained person cannot differentiate. Skilled craftsmanship has now made it possible for people to feel luxury without spending a fortune.
With that said, fake designer bags are trending in 2024, and this is the perfect time for retailers to earn profit from it. The best place to buy fake designer bags in 2024 is China.
China is undoubtedly the leading source of wholesale supply chain networks in the world that offer quality products and cheaper rates. This means thereby retailers have a lucrative opportunity to import fake designer bags from China and sell them for profit.
Therefore, we’ve brought 10 potential wholesale networks in China that are offering remarkable offers on bulk purchases of fake designer bags. Read further!

Chapter 1. Why Should You Buy Fake Designer Bags From China?

The best way to have a successful online venture is by choosing the right sourcing channel. With the rise in global consumer demand, many countries are engaging in the manufacturing sector to earn more profit.

However, for startups, it is imperative to trust reputed sources with experience in relevant areas. And when it comes to selling brand replicas, it becomes even essential to choose wholesale sources wisely.

China is the leading manufacturing country in the world with the highest number of brand collaborations. They have set a benchmark to be known as top suppliers of famous brands worldwide and are equally benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises.

Therefore, this chapter will discuss the reasons why China is the best place to buy fake designer bags.

1) What are Fake Designer Bags?

What are Fake Designer Bags?

To put it simply, fake designer bags are a copy of originals that is also known as counterfeit bags. These bags look similar to the originals, yet there are minor details that speak a huge difference; however, for an untrained eye, they look the same.

Chinese manufacturers are known for making premium replicas that look nearly similar to real bags. Therefore, if you want to sell fake designer bags, China should be your go-to wholesale sourcing country.

2) What is the Best Place to Buy Fake Designer Bags?

Although many countries are known for making high-quality replica designer bags which, include the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, and China, however, China is the leading one.

When we say China is the leading source of buying fake designer bags, we mean it. Because China is also known for supplying authentic bags to famous brands, which means obtaining original raw materials is easy for local manufacturers.

They can simply visit the factory and get the same high-quality raw material used in authentic bags, such as leather for Louis Viton and Channel.

Similarly, some manufacturers are experts in manufacturing other parts of bags, which makes China even more beneficial to go to.

Above all, China’s shipping and packaging policy standards are also better than other countries, which makes it the best place to buy fake designer bags.

3) Why Choose China to Purchase Wholesale Replica Bags?

As discussed initially, China is the leading wholesale supplying country worldwide that offers a high-quality product at lower rates.

For buying high-quality replica bags, retailers should consider manufacturers that are skillful and provide great customer service.

To give a detailed explanation about choosing China over other countries, here are the following reasons!

a) Manufacturing Country

China is known for its excellent manufacturing hub, which includes state-of-the-art infrastructure to produce high-quality products, especially replica designer bags.

In each city in China, there are factories with robust technology that specialize in replica manufacturing. So for retailers, China is a manufacturing hub where they’ll get a wide range of brand replica designer bags.

b) Cost Effective

One of the significant reasons to buy fake designer bags from China is its low manufacturing cost. The labor in China is low, which offers competitive pricing on bulk orders, making it a profitable opportunity for retailers.

c) Customization

For a successful online venture, retailers have to build themselves as a brand, which is possible by buying from China.

Chinese manufacturers offer customization and private labeling facilities to create special features in a bag that helps in targeting a specific audience.

This altogether appears as a unique selling point that contributes to building brand reputation.

d) Quality Control

Retailers can personally visit manufacturing premises in China and conduct quality inspections during the manufacturing phase.

This helps in obtaining desired quality of replica bags; in fact, retailers can hire an expert quality control inspection team that monitors the entire manufacturing from raw material to packaging.

Other countries do not have this opportunity which makes it a convincing reason to choose China.
e) Direct Relationships with Manufacturers

Connecting directly to manufacturers reduces costs to a major extent. Most of the sources in other countries are usually comprised of agents and middle-mans that negotiate with manufacturers on behalf of retailers.

Resultantly, replica bags obtained are often not up to mark due to improper negotiations and instruction guidance.

China provides the opportunity to create a direct interaction with a manufacturer that not only excludes errors but also helps in building relationships.

In a nutshell, a well-established relationship with manufacturers goes a long way which is extremely important for retailers.

Chapter 2. 5 Best Online Places to Buy Fake Designer Bags from China

Almost 90% of replicas of fake designer bags are produced in China, which is one of the reasons Chinese wholesale markets have a huge customer base worldwide.

By considering the increasing number of consumers over the period, China has launched online wholesale websites to create ease for overseas buyers.

In short, you don’t have to personally visit China every time and can easily buy bulk replica bags from the comfort of your laptop.

In this chapter, we will talk about all the Chinese websites where fake designer bags are available. Although every website is equally considerable, each one of them has unique features which buyers can see and choose the one that suits them the most.

So let’s get started.

1) Alibaba


The first website we have on our list is Alibaba which is undoubtedly the most famous online wholesale website in 2024. Alibaba sponsors the majority of e-commerce ventures and plays a significant role in many businesses.

Surprisingly, it is also the best place to buy fake designer bags. The manufacturers present on Alibaba offer branded high-quality replica bags at cheap rates. Their bags look so real that chances are that they can even mix with originals.

However, MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) on Alibaba is high, which means buyers cannot demand products lesser than that.

Alibaba operates on a fixed MOQ and it is mandatory for buyers to comply with it.

So if you’re looking for a large MOQ, Aliaba is your go-to online marketplace in China.

2) DHgate

Buyers who don’t find a high MOQ website favorable should consider DHgate for the first time, making it our next best online wholesale website for you.DHgate is a Chinese website that is suitable for buying fake designer bags. Manufacturers present on DHgate display high-quality bag images for buyers.

DHgate is a Chinese website that is suitable for buying fake designer bags. Manufacturers present on DHgate display high-quality bag images for buyers.

Similarly, they have a low MOQ, and it’s at the discretion of buyers to buy as many pieces as they want. The website interface is user-friendly, and buyers with no experience in buying bulk products online can easily navigate their website.

Conclusively, retailers looking for a few wholesale designer replica bags should choose DHgate.

3) AliExpress


AliExpress is a partnered website of Alibaba and is commonly suitable for buyers looking for replica bags for personal use. As replica bags provide the essence of luxury at an affordable price, everyone wants to feel that moment.

So if you’re looking to buy fake designer bags for personal use, visit AliExpress. The website consists of high-quality pictures of famous brands.

Moreover, communicating with suppliers is also very convenient. Suppliers have left their email addresses and WhatsApp numbers for contact to get in touch personally.

4) Made-in-China


The following Chinese website is Made-in-China, which is considered a top-rated online platform for bulk purchasing.

This website has thousands of suppliers that deal in leather products, including fake designer and replica bags. Made-in-China is appropriate for consumers looking for bulk quantities.

Their MOQ ranges from 300-500 pieces, and with a higher MOQ, they offer further cost reduction.

So for, well-established retailers that have a huge customer demand for fake designer bags, they should definitely go for Made in China.

5) Global Sources

Global Sources

Global Sources website is a renowned online wholesale marketplace that deals in high-quality products. Some of the suppliers on this website also deal in branded replica bags and offer good rates for retailers on bulk purchases.

Just like Made-in-China, Global Sources also have a high MOQ ranges between 300-600 pieces.

And the price is usually lower than competitor websites. However, you cannot demand a specific brand on this website, suppliers have displayed pictures of various famous branded bags, and you have to search for them.

Still, if retailers want a reliable source for bulk purchases, they should consider Global Sources.

Non-Chinese Websites that Sell Fake Designer Bags

We have also shortlisted some other websites that are non-Chinese and are usually based in America or other European countries. Take a look at it!

  • Celebrity Handbags
  • Etsy
  • Gucci Bound
  • Replicas Store
  • Voguebags
  • com
  • MS
  • Perfect Luxury
  • com

How to Find Replica Bags on Wholesale Websites?

As selling counterfeit products is considered illegal in the laws of some countries, therefore, finding replica bags online requires some effort.

Although the above-named websites do sell replica designer bags, the buyer has to find them on their own.

A buyer can insert some keywords like “Europe luxury brand,” “Luxury designer brand,” etc., or if you want to search for a specific brand, then you can try writing the abbreviation of the brand’s initial letter.

For instance, type “CC” or “Double C” for searching Chanel bags.

Also read on: Guangzhou Watch Wholesale Market: Where to Get the Best Suppliers?

Chapter 3. Top 5 Chinese Local Markets to Buy Fake Designer Bags

chinese wholesale market
chinese wholesale market
chinese wholesale market
chinese wholesale market
chinese wholesale market
chinese wholesale market

This chapter will talk about the top 5 local Chinese markets where retailers can get high-quality products in bulk. As discussed in the previous chapter, China is known for its manufacturing, and every city is engaged in some sort of production.

However, retailers that have no experience in buying from Chinese wholesale markets before will feel that it is inconvenient for fresh hunt.

To help them out, AsianDavinci has shortlisted 5 cities where not only replica bags, but other leather products are available.

Each of these cities has a history that is imperative to know for a retailer.

So without any further delay, let’s get straight into it!

1) Baigou, Hebei

Let’s begin with the history of our first city

a) History

The history of this manufacturing spot dates back to the early 70s. In 1971, artificial leather purses and other products were first produced in Baigou Town’s Gaoqiao Village. Gaoqiao Village is the reason for the explosion of factories in the townships around.

They are known for their impressive 800 leather goods facilities, comprised of nearly 70,000 sales staff, and can easily make up to 100,000 bags of goods regularly during1979 and 1984.

The brilliant thing is their goods are marketed all around China and exported to Yugoslavia, France, and other nations (for famous brands).

Their numbers in manufacturing in the year 2000 were overwhelming. Over 5,000 leather goods manufacturing companies, with over 300,000 workers, an average daily output of over 300,000 bags, and a daily export of over 200,000 bags.

This altogether subsequently made their way into the Baigou wholesale market one after the other. Shenzhen Lifenet’s innovative design and expert craftsmanship have won over Baigou merchants, and along with the thousands of other firms in Baigou, they have contributed to the success of leather goods shopping malls.

b) Scale

Talking about their business scale, it is North China’s biggest wholesale market for small items and leather goods, and fake designer bags.

The market for leather goods in Baigou has more than 5,000 brands offering high, medium, and low-grade options.

Resultantly retailers can grab a potential opportunity as 90% of the market for leather goods for baggage is made up of high-quality but affordable goods.

c) Major Products

Talking about their major products, which include designer replica women’s bags and travel boxes,

2) Guihuagang, Guangzhou

Guihuagang, Guangzhou

Following biggest potential wholesale market is in Guihuagang!

a) History

This city, too, has helped many foreign businesses in achieving the heights of success!

Situated in the coastal regions of Guangdong, more than 1,000 foreign-funded businesses with staff sizes of 500 to 1,000 were formed in the 1980s, making it the biggest wholesale point in the region.

In the 1990s, thousands of technical talents were trained for the domestic leather goods industry that made a million bosses.

For technical expertise, a variety of opportunities were created in foreign-funded businesses in Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Dongguan, for example.

There are both big and small wholesale leather products businesses in Guangzhou’s Sanyuanli, Tangxia, Huadu, Tangxi, and Shiling, among other localities. Since then, the leather goods business has exploded all over, fueling the rapid growth of hardware manufacturing.

b) Scale

Amazingly, it is the largest wholesale market for leather goods in China, with over 1.5 million pieces of leather goods, including replica bags, produced every day in Guangzhou Guihuagang. All sizes of wholesalers receive them from all over the world.

c) Major Products

Their main manufacturing products include women’s bags, men’s wallets, trolley boxes, computer bags, and cosmetic bags.

3) Natai, Liaoning

Natai, Liaoning

Now moving on to the third Chinese potential wholesale point located in Natai.

a) History

The average daily sales of well-known international brands like Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tessdani, and Dunhill, among others, are all above 1,000,000 pieces, or around one-third of the sales of well-known brands in the nation.

Early products for the Nantai market were mostly made of textiles, synthetic leather, and chemical fibers in small local family enterprises.

Nearly half of them are exported, and the items are distributed to the three northeastern provinces.
b) Scale

AsianDavinciNantai is known as the biggest wholesale market for leather goods in China and, similarly, a great hub for buying fake designer bags.The best thing about this city is it’s also known for high-end brand leather goods markets in the nation.

The best thing about this city is it’s also known for high-end brand leather goods markets in the nation.

More than 100 different national, provincial, and municipal brand products are available, along with more than 4,000 different bag variations.

The majority of the goods in this market have reached the United States, Russia, and a few Southeast Asian nations and areas.

c) Major Products

They are commonly famous for making luggage product processing, production, specialty sales, and serialization.

4) Hehuachi, Chengdu

a) History

During the early stages between 1986 and 1992, Hehuachi was more focused on selling low-priced leather goods in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hebei, Liaoning, and other regions.

However, after 1992, Guangdong leather products flooded the lotus pond industry and fueled quickly. A high-end Volkswagen Line brand was starting to take shape, with roughly 85% of the products coming from Guangdong.

b) Scale

The Northwest Region’s largest luggage distribution center is located there, making it a go-to spot in that regard. Its business spans numerous categories and thousands of brands.

Every day, 100,000 bags are produced by almost 2,000 factories and their 60,000 workers.
c) Major Products

Their major products include travel bags, waist bags, totes, and wheeled cases.

5) Yiwu, Zhejiang

 Yiwu, Zhejiang

Last but not least, Yiwu City, a well-known location for wholesale ventures in China

a) History

In 1986, Zhejiang experienced a rise in the number of factories by the opening of 14 coastal cities. As a result of the development of numerous small businesses, processing facilities for luggage and leather goods were built.

For instance, Zhejiang saw the construction of more than 2,000 leather products enterprises between 1992 and 1988, the majority of which were in Yiwu.

In Zhejiang Province, there are more than 100,000 individuals working in the leather goods industry. Additionally, 120,000 bags are manufactured daily on average.

Every day, about half of the goods are exported to countries like Russia, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the US. These regional businesses have created textiles and imitation leather items, creating a sizable wholesale industry for leather goods with Yiwu as its focal point.

b) Scale
In East China, it is the biggest and most well-known small commodity wholesale market.

Products from thousands of Chinese brands, including high-, medium-, and low-end goods, are sold at the Yiwu leather goods market. 90% of all products are produced in Guangdong.

c) Major Products

Bags for men, ladies bags, baggage, and branded bags

Suggested Reading: Top 10 Chinese Replica Websites : Watches,Bags, Shoes & Clothing

Chapter 4. Things to Consider While Buying Fake Designer Bags

Things to Consider While Buying Fake Designer Bags

Now that you’ve learned all the resources to buy fake designer bags, it’s time to distinguish between various categories of replica bags.

Replica bags can be easily bought from anywhere in the world; however, the craftsmanship in every replica bag is different, which is why they are easily distinguishable.

With that said, it is essential for retailers to know everything about fake designer bags, and after that, they should know how to get a reliable supplier.

To help you out, we’ll cover everything in detail coming up. So let’s get started.

1) Consider Grades of Replica Bags

Retailers must be aware of all the grades before buying fake designer bags. The replicas of designer bags come in various grades with different craftsmanship, technology, price, and work methodology.

Chinese manufacturers offer these four grades of replica bags according to customer demand.

Coming up next, we shall explore these grades individually; check it out.

a) B Grade
B Grade

B Grade is the most Grade of fake designer bags and is usually not made up of high-quality material; hence they are easily distinguishable.

B Grade-designer bag manufacturers only copy the style and logos of original designs, and one can easily tell the difference.

However, B-grade fake designers have a huge customer demand among students, who are willing to buy them on online platforms.

Similarly, B-grade bags are cheaper in price and can be easily found on Chinese wholesale websites. If you are a retailer and your target audience is students or young adults, then B-grade bags can turn out to be profitable for you.

b) A Grade
A Grade

A-grade bags are a better version of B-grade bags and are mostly designed based on original designs. In other words, you can say A-grade bags cannot be easily detected because the overall appearance looks like the original one.

However, the difference can be found in its stitching; the craftsmanship in A-grade bags is not very skilled and leave some untreated minor.

Still, Grade bags can be profitable because the majority of customers prefer an overall look-like appearance.

Hence if you have such customers, A-grade bags can help you increase your revenue.

c) Ultra A Grade

The next category of fake designer bags is Ultra A grade or AAA grade. The handles of these fake designer handbags are made of leather that will quickly oxidize and change color, while the main body of the bag is made of high-end, specialized leather. So in that sense, they are distinguishable over time.

Additionally, the bags’ interior materials are essentially identical to those of the original bags.

In addition, the hardware and accessories are of good quality but differ from the original materials in that they rust and corrode over time. Only some characteristics, such as stitching, lining, or brand printing, can be used to distinguish between items.

Office workers and those with strong demand are the key demographics for these copycat bags. America, Canada, Europe, etc., are the primary markets.

d) 1:1 Grade

Here we have the last and the most premium Grade of fake designer bags; 1:1 grade bags actually look and feel the same as the original, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that 99% of this Grade is equal to the original one.

The whole manufacturing process of 1:1 grade bags is close to the original materials, and resultantly, they are the most expensive category of fake designer bags.

Retailers that are looking to buy the most realistic replica of designer brands should find 1:1-grade bags on Chinese wholesale websites.

2) How to Find Trustworthy Replica Bags Suppliers Online?

How to Find Trustworthy Replica Bags Suppliers Online?

Engaging in the replica designer bags business is risky, and for newcomers, it is hard to find a reliable supplier. One of the biggest risks of dealing in replica bags is receiving under-quality replica bags, and such incidents are very frequent in retailing fake designer bags.

Here are the following ways to find reliable suppliers online.

a) Chinese Wholesale Website

The best way to find trustworthy suppliers is always to contact them on the websites mentioned in Chapter 2. These websites are internationally recognized, and the website owners monitor all the activities.

b) Verified Supplier

Always go for the verified supplier. A verified supplier is awarded a badge that reflects they are legit and are comparatively more reliable than a non-verified supplier.

c) Ask for their MOQ

Some suppliers have a fixed MOQ, which is important to ask prior to placing an order. If you’re looking for bulk fake designer bags, check the price of high MOQ because suppliers usually offer discounted prices on large orders.

d) Shipping Procedure

Since trading replicas and counterfeit items are considered illegal, therefore, always inquire about shipping procedures from suppliers. Suppliers in this regard ship their consignment via special channels and

e) Ask for Samples

The best way to find a reliable Chinese supplier is by asking for samples of fake designer bags. From there, you can see how their replica quality is. If you want something close to the original, look for a 1:1 grade; this way, you’ll be able to get a reliable source.

f) Contact AsianDavinci

If you’re a newcomer in the world of e-commerce, then you need a helping hand from an experienced third party which is AsianDavinci.

AsianDavinci works as a supplement in finding a reliable supplier and strengthening your relationship with him.

Our company is comprised of skillful and Chinese native marketers that have strong networks all over China and can find the best reliable supplier based on your needs.

Although we don’t recommend dealing with counterfeit items, however, our proven track record will help you get efficient direction. You can contact our sourcing consultant Sunny Qiu for more information.

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Chapter 5. FAQs About “Fake Designer Bags”


If you’re looking for the best place to buy fake designer bags, there are plenty of options available. China has become a popular place for these bags because they are affordable and offer a wide variety of choices.

Throughout this blog, we have shared 10 of the best places to buy fake designer bags from China in 2024. These places have been chosen based on their good reputation, the quality of their products, and the satisfaction of their customers.

However, it’s important to remember that selling fake designer bags raises ethical concerns and can have legal consequences. This blog is meant for people who want to start a business, but it’s crucial to do your research and understand the risks and moral issues involved in selling counterfeit goods.

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